
Showing posts from October, 2021

Adjustments in Marriage

Marriage is one of the biggest events that you may experience in your life. With such a big event, comes a lot of possible changes and necessary adjustments. Marriage life is completely different to the lives that those who are unmarried experience. It can be difficult and take a lot of  patience and compromise with your spouse.  One of the biggest adjustments a couple may need to make is finances. Each partner may have different ways of saving, spending, and overall budgeting. Not only do new couples need to find a compromise between them in these things, but there is also the possibility of high expenses. New couples need to worry about buying a home or apartment, furniture, a car, groceries, and many other expenses. Not only do they need to figure out the future finances and expenses, but the process of marriage is expensive. The ceremony, marriage license, and reception can cost an exceptional amount of money. How the couple handles this is completely up to them.  Liv...

Dating and Marriage

      Dating is the first step to forming a happy family. However, in the current world, the significance of dating has seemed to go down. I have observed that people my age don't really date anymore. Instead of dating, big groups of people get together and just 'hang-out'. Hanging out and dating might seem like vey similar things, but there are a few aspects of dating that make it different and very valuable for building relationships and future marriage. First, dating is planned out. When you ask someone on a date, you are typically expected to have a plan.       I had a recent date where the guy who asked me out did not plan out the date. Just an hour before the date, he decided he wanted to teach me how to dance. I was skeptical. I knew that learning to dance would be fun, but if it fell through, we would have nothing else to do. This is exactly what happened. My date forgot the dance, and we just talked awkwardly for a few minutes before he left. ...

Gender in Families

     Right now, gender is a very controversial topic. No matter where you are, there is a lot of confusion and contention around the concept of gender. There are a few very interesting topics to think about that have to do with gender. One, gender roles, gender expectations, and how they each affect the other. All of these ideas are changing drastically as time goes on. So, what are these changes and are they good changes?      Gender roles are the parts people are expected to play based off of their gender. For example, women are expected to play the role of a mother, staying home, and caring for the children. Alternatively, the men are expected to play the role of a father, going to work, and providing for the family. However, as of recent times, gender roles have been changing. More mothers are working, and more fathers are staying home. These changes are not necessarily bad. Sometimes, a family's situations require the members to step out of the usual...

Families in Culture

    Family is an important aspect in cultures, and culture is an important aspect of families. Each have an effect on the other. Typical forms and beliefs of families are different depending on what culture you may find in the area. Similarly, the cultures of different places are varying across different families. I am not saying that families are only what their culture makes them. Culture is just an important aspect that may change the format, beliefs, and actions of families around the world.     Families are the building blocks of our society. When families get involved in cultures around them, those cultures can be changed, and the families can adopt certain aspects of the culture. When looking at these changes, it is important for us to remember that culture is not just defined by the country or ethnicities involved. Down to its basics, culture is how we think, feel, judge, and act ( The Effects of Family Culture on Family Foundations | Council on Fou...

Boundaries in the Family

       A key aspect of family is the boundaries that are formed. Boundaries in the family includes the openness, communication, and connections between the individuals in the family as well as the subgroups (groups like the parents and the children). There are three different types of boundaries in the family: Rigid, poor, and clear.       Rigid boundaries (also called closed or impermeable boundaries) are considered to be boundaries with little to no exchange between individuals and subgroups. It is easiest to imaging this boundary as a steel wall with barbed wire over the top of it. If you were to see this wall around somebody's home, you would not be very likely to pursue communication or a relationship with this person. In families, rigid boundaries can cause many difficulties and problems. First, children are unlikely to go to their parents or even each other in times of confusion, difficulty, or struggle. Secondly, the parents are unlikely t...