Stressors in the Family

         Every family experiences their own unique stressor events and difficult times. Some common ones can be financial stress, conflict between family members, stress between the community and the family, job stress, educational stress, and many others. Through the times where we experience stress, it is important to remember that these stressor events will not last forever (although at the time, we feel like they will), and we can overcome them, sometimes with needed help and support. Stress can actually be healthy; it encourages us to act, grow, and strive to be better. But if we forget that stressors change and fade, we can easily be overwhelmed by the stressors and anxiety that we feel. 

The bond between family members is something that can help the family through stress. If the children feel that they cannot rely on their parents, it is easy for them to become overwhelmed, and if the parents feel that they cannot rely on each other, the same thing happens. Stress is very difficult to overcome, but having people by our side, supporting us, helps us to do so. Each family member has different experiences, skills, and perspectives. Because of this, family members can help each other see the world differently and see how short and simple some stressors can be. 

Another important aspect of stressor events is that they help us to grow, change, learn, and expand our perspective. It is easy to focus on our anxiety and stress when going through difficult times rather than thinking of how we can grow and improve from our experience. Tension and stress is needed for us to learn and change throughout our life. Sometimes it takes a long time to have this realization. At times, we only realize how our trials have positively impacted us until after they have passed, or we have overcome them. Again, because our family members have different perspectives, they can help us to see how we are growing and changing as we overcome stress events.

Reaching out to others, and especially our families, when we are overwhelmed with stress is often a very difficult thing for us to do. We fear the reactions of those around us and are worried that they may think less of us or refuse to help. This on of the reasons why it is so vital for us to surround ourselves with people who are willing to help us and who we are willing to help in turn. Often, all we need to overcome a stressor is a helping hand or a listening ear to help lift our stress even just a little bit.

The diagnosis of Autism for a family member is a significant stressor event that many families face. It is a time of confusion, worry, anxiety, and fear. It is easy to worry about those who are close to us. However, there are many resources in place to support families going through this significant and difficult event. There are many options for therapy for the child, groups and meetings for parents, financial support, and technological support for the family and child. The important thing for family members to remember, is that they are not alone. There are many other people who have, are, and will go through the same thing that they are. Ultimately, there are many people who understand how they feel and what they are going through. Allow this event to bring your family closer together and strengthen your bonds with one another. Do not allow your stress and anxiety to overcome you, and instead turn to your family in times of need. There are brighter times ahead; you just need to take that next step forward. 




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